Saturday, July 25, 2009

Breathless postponed until 09 August

Unfortunately the current build of Jajuk is not as stable as the standards the developers team has set. So we received the following mail through the developer's mailing list:
" We have to postpone Breathless once more :

* Tests are not finished yet
* I'll be unavailable (vacation + laptop switch) the next two weeks
* The overall app doesn't look stable enough yet, it's easy to find new

If you have time, please continue testing (from ).


- Bertrand "

That means we will have to wait until then to commit our work to the trunk. Maybe that will give us some time to work on our bugs. We will be helping with testing. Maybe if you have some time you can help too. (The webpage is in the message above)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

jajuk "Breathless" 1.8 postponed

We received the following mail yesterday :

"Jajuk 1.8 final release is postponed until july 24.
Any help on qualification is appreciated.
- Bertrand"

I have already helped a bit on qualification (rpm packaging, source code compiling) and now we have more time to debug our code, so it can be completely attached to Jajuk trunk after the release of version 1.8 .

Saturday, July 11, 2009

end of season

The semester has ended and with it the time for us to implement a little contribution to Jajuk for the course of dr Spinellis.

You can download our contribution report at .

Of course that does not mean our work for Jajuk is over. We still have some bugs to eliminate (!) and maybe choose some more work to do for Jajuk.

All this time we have used Jajuk we have decided to choose it as our favourite jukebox software. So, we will try to make it even better and make it more known to the world. We will keep you informed from this blog about anything we do regarding the Jajuk project.

Take care and have a great summer,

Antonis & Stavros

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

coming to an end

The DJ Functions development are hopefully coming to an end. Of course there's more work to be done tomorrow, some code checking and some debugging (if we are lucky enough to find these bugs :P).

A report is being written synchronously for what we have to contribute to this great project.

Friday, July 3, 2009

next plan DJ

So the after a lot of troublesome bugs the Lyrics functions is now (almost) over. We now have a lot of work to do, to implement the DJ Functions.

Because the Jajuk programmers already have implemented the feature about repeating all tracks we decided and did some more stuff that initially planned for the Lyrics functions and we'll do for the DJ too.

The jajuk leader has been very helpful so far , but very demanding too. That's not bad, we have seized the opportunity to learn and understand some new stuff.
Yesterday we studied about the Bridge Pattern so we could understand the use it of and use it ourselves regarding the Tag reading and writing in Jajuk. I won't explain it here but you can find some info in wikipedia ( link ) .

In addition, let's make a note that we have tested the Tag functions for Lyrics and now the user can read and write Lyrics in Tag for mp3, mp4. m4a, ogg and flac files. The complete abstraction of the classes of jaudiotagger made that possible!
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